Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Importance of Earth's Hydrosphere

        Earth's Hydrosphere plays a big role not only for us humans but also for our nature and environment.But even if  we already know that we often times take for granted its value or impact to us.So let me discuss to you  why is Earth's Hydrosphere is important .Water is our lifeline  that bathes us and feed us. In ancient culture water represented the very essence of life.Hydrosphere composes of  seas or ocean,lakes,rivers and etc.


               Water provides  a habitat  for many animals and for plants to live.Human also use water in a number of ways.Drinking water is obviously very important.Water is also used domestically (eg.washing,cleaning) and industry. The other important  of water  is that water use to regulate the temperature on earth.The earth takes a long time to heat up as well as a long time to cool down and if  water  doesn't exist the earth also would not exist. Water is a living cell.Our body composes of  substances that should dissolve by water therefor without water life would not exist.

              Those are some of  many reasons why  is Earth's Hydrosphere is important.We should  give care to our Earth's Hydrosphere.We should not do things that would destroy our mother earth cause everything  we do in our environment weither it is good or bad  affects as a lot think of it.

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